Python Lambda – Linux Hint

Python is a universal and recently widely used programming language. However, Python offers many built-in functions for many specific tasks. However, we can create our own functions to fulfill a certain task. In Python, the keyword Lambda generates an anonymous function. The function without a name is called anonymous. Normally, under Python, a normal function is created with the keyword def. It’s got a name and brackets. While the anonymity function with the keyword Lambda is used. Therefore the anonymous function is also called the lambda function. In this article, the functions of Python-lambda are explained using examples.

Lambda functions Syntax

The Lambda function can accept different arguments and a single expression. The expression does the work and the result is returned. Syntax of the Lambda function :

Argument(s) Lambda : Print

It is important to remember that the Lambda function is limited to a single expression. The Lambda function can be implemented in Python scripts when we need to create a function object. Let’s implement the Lambda function in our script under Python.

Example 1: Calculate the sum of the numbers using the lambda function

Let’s create a lambda function to calculate the numbers. The Lambda function takes two numbers as an argument and displays the result.

# Program to create function lambda
# Create function lambda
sum_val = lambda a,b: a+b
# Pass the arguments and give the value of

Get off.

The output shows the sum of two numbers.

Let’s define a normal function to understand the difference between a normal function and a lambda function.

# Create a normal function
def sum_val(a,b):
gives a+b
# Pass the arguments and print the value of
print(The sum is the value: sum_val(5,10))

Get off.

Both functions return the same value when identical arguments are passed. In a normal function we use the def keyword and have to write the name of the function. After expressing the amount, we put it at the end of the return operator to return the value of the result. As long as the Lambda function is active, the return request is not activated. It returns the output value after the printout has been calculated or outputted.

Example 2: Execution of multiple lambda functions

We implement the Lambda functions with a different set of arguments.

# a program to implement a set of lambda functions.

#a Lambda function for the subtraction of the number
a = Lambda a,b,c: a-b-c

#Passing the and printing the value of the difference 1A print (The value of the subtraction is, a(200,10,2))

#a Lambda function to multiply two numbers
b = Lambda a,b:a*b
# Pass the arguments and print the value of the difference
print (The value of the multiplication is present :,b(10,5))

#a Lambda function to calculate the quadratic value of
c = Lambda a:a*a
# pass arguments and print the difference value
printout(The quadratic value is : ,c(10))

#a Lambda function to calculate the cube value
c = Lambda a:a*a*a
# pass arguments and print the difference value
printout(cube value is present : ,c(10))

#a Lambda function every even number
c = Lambda a:(a%2==0)
# jumping argument and output of the difference value
print(The specified number is even: , c(1001)))

#a Lambda function to determine the leap year 1A c = Lambda a:(a%4===0)#Pass the arguments and print the value of the difference(The given year is the leap year : ,c(2020))

Get off.

The output of the individual lambda functions is displayed.

The Lambda function also returns a boolean function when we are in a state of expression.

Using the Lambda function as part of normal function

The Lambda function can be implemented in a classical or conventional Python function. The sum_val function takes a number as an argument and returns the lambda function. It is stored in a variable with a name. The second argument is passed to the lambda function, which returns the value of the sum.

# a program to implement a lambda function in a normal function.

# Clarification of the normal function
def sum_val(num1) :
#Declaration of function lambda in function
gives lambda num2: num1+num2
value = sum_val(10)
print(The value of the sum is: value(200))

Get off.


Anonymous is called a Lambda function in Python. An anonymous function is created when we need to use a function object. This article describes the Lambda function with examples.

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