Advantages of remote onboarding

The world of work has changed and teleworking is no longer an option or a privilege. Teams from all over the world had to leave completely or mostly from very far away, many of them were warned on weekends. As the months of working from home get longer, we need to review our processes and systems, including employee accommodation.

The importance of a strong registration programme cannot be overemphasised, especially since only 12% of employees are satisfied with registration programmes and 50% of new employees leave within the first 18 months. Although teleworking is associated with a lower workforce, we cannot deny that the first months of an employee’s work has a negative impact on his or her remaining mandate.

For many companies whose on-board activities are characterised by personal activities such as team lunches and decorated tables, boarding with remote control may seem like a second-rate replacement. But if there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past few months, it’s that you don’t have to fake office experience to be successful. We can offer teleworkers a rich and thoughtful mentoring experience that will keep them active throughout their lives. And if you plan your boating experience well, you can even enjoy some important benefits.

Advantages of a long-distance landing

The aim of the integration is to introduce new employees to their team, colleagues and company. During the first days, weeks and months new employees have to familiarise themselves with the people, systems, software and culture of their organization. Although the best throwing techniques are multi-step and clearly defined, they are all (at least in part) based on unplanned encounters: random discussions with water cooling, encounters with friends, and spills.

Remote adjustment cannot be based on these unwritten moments. In order to help new employees find a job, the human resources department must set up a closed ordering process with partners they can trust.

Confirming remote connections

Offices offer employees formal and informal opportunities to meet colleagues and employees, but working remotely limits conversations with a water fountain, the importance of which has been described for years as remote pimping.

To catch up, you need to plan more targeted meetings for your new employee. It may seem boring or suffocating, but taking the time to bring them together with a few friendly faces ensures that they always have someone to talk to instead of leaving the development of the relationship to chance. Or a water cooler.

These planned interactions are a great advantage for remote downloads, because nothing is left to chance. When you organize lunch and coffee for your new employee for a week, you know that he or she will never feel lonely – which unfortunately can happen at the office.

How do you communicate remotely with new employees?

  • Set her up with a friend on board. Find a soulmate for new employees on your team (maybe even someone they’ve interviewed) to help them learn how to work in the company, from simple etiquette to meeting a soulmate.
  • Use technical aids. Low integration, such as that of Donut, helps new employees to connect outside their team by introducing them to randomly selected friends in the organization.
  • Send in the ambassadors. Register with your ultra-active employees (you know who they are!) and ask them to be a welcome team for new employees. Make a few introductions on your first day with new employees and let your new friends grow.
  • Create unity among new employees. Hiring new employees as a group gives them the opportunity to meet new people from all over the organisation, make friends and learn more about their culture.

Formalize your checks.

When you see your new employees every day, they quickly begin to integrate with the rest of the team. I hope in a week or two they’ll be set up so you’ll forget they’re new.

Really? It’s not fair. The risk that they are personally on board is that they laugh and smile with their new teammates and think they are doing great – why would they sign up? In the meantime, they hope you will take note, so that they can share their experiences, thoughts and concerns.

If you work remotely, don’t take the risk of guessing. Remote communication is more focused than personal work and requires you to make an effort to contact a new employee to ask how he or she is doing instead of relying on personal meetings. These remote meetings are an excellent opportunity to set up a discussion programme and ensure that your new employee is well prepared in all respects.

learn by doing

For companies that were completely eliminated as a result of KOVID, the communication practice had to be reconsidered in no time. No more spontaneous shoulder punches and no more team sessions; we were suddenly addicted to slackening, zooming, asana and a handful of other means to keep our work clean.

For employees who are used to working in a certain way – read: the way your teams worked before the pandemic – it may have been uncomfortable to switch to a different set of technical tools. However, this is how the company works for new employees. They don’t have to change the existing practice, they just have to learn how yours works. Thorough training will help your new employees get back on their feet quickly.

The main advantage of remote boarding is that your new employers can learn how to work with your technical stack. There’s no confusion about when to use the slack and when to get to the table: There are a number of rules and they stick to them.

A remote landing is possible and can be very good.

The care for telework, participation and catering is justified. We are in a completely new world, and if the possibilities are infinite, so are the possibilities of mistakes.

But I say on board it should be fun – so why let the place get in the way? If we are open to new experiences, we can create new practices that help us survive and even thrive in our new foreign standard.

Photo credits : sizzling / Shutterstock

Ronnie Zehavi, co-founder and CEO of Hibob. He has more than 25 years of experience with leading international SaaS companies. As a former entrepreneur in the residence of Bessemer Venture Partners, he was co-founder and CEO of Cotendo after the establishment of Team8 Cybersecurity. Ronnie works to improve the corporate culture for high-growth companies.

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